Grow your own produce with our Growtainers. Plant research and maximised yield for production.
Grow your own produce with our Growtainers. Plant research and maximised yield for production.
Vertical Farm in a Box
Plant research and growth chambers.
Production and processing for local retail distribution.
Adding value to an existing consumer experience.
Researchers are using GrowerPods for a wide range of laboratory procedures including the maintenance and culture of model plant organisms. User friendly controls make it easy to set accurate parameters for light, temperature and humidity. The GrowerPod is set to be a pivotal tool for solving food and nutritional security problems around the world.
A dream option for any budding entrepreneur wanting to take advantage of our plug and play business module. The GrowerPod is an excellent cost-effective option, with its low cost and high potential profit margins.
Allowing any grower to integrate themselves into the GrowerPod value chain, becoming one of the first to establish themselves in the production, processing, distribution and retail of select agricultural products.
These containers are produced and setup quickly with a streamlined grower training program.
A private user, small business owner or restaurateur looking to use the GrowerPod to grow produce for personal consumption or for the consumption by employees and guests. The Self Reliant GrowerPod, produced for private use is entirely customizable enabling the unit to meet any specific requirements.
GrowerPods will need to fit within this customer’s budget, equipment specifications and size requirements. A higher degree of automation will be available in these GrowerPod models, accommodating for the customers busy lifestyle and letting the GrowerPod do most of the work.
Local production for local consumption.
Customizable crop-specific vertical production.
Horticultural crop-specific lighting.
Grow almost anything, almost anywhere!
Climate affects all components of crop production, impacting local food output and food security, limiting yields, crop cycles and quality of the produce grown.
Fresh food is often imported to regions unable to grow their own in order to meet the demand of the consumer market, increasing the cost of essential produce.
Maximize the yield, quality and number of crop cycles in harsh conditions and offer cost effective essential produce to your local community.
Fitted with a state-of-the-art nutrient film hydroponic system, this modular design is simple to operate. The GrowerRack system allows the user to move ‘harvest ready’ plants from the grow room to harvest room without disrupting the growth of other plants throughout the GrowerPod.
Having each GrowerRack running in isolation to every other is also vitally important to protect against the potential spread of pathogens should contamination occur.
Contaminated GrowerRacks can simply be removed from the growth room, cleaned and reused without having to halt an entire crop cycle.
The GrowerPod system makes use of artificial lighting to grow crops on multiple levels, thereby maximizing use of available space.
The horticultural lighting used consists of only the best Samsung LED modules combined with fully waterproof MeanWell LED drivers to create a super-efficient and productive agricultural solution.
The lighting systems themselves are built into the modular GrowerRacks and can be customized for each crop type individual photosynthetic requirements.
Grow in the harshest climate.
Designed to withstand harsh conditions.
Industry leading containment.
24/7 Off Site Monitoring Systems.
The mobility of the unit makes it possible to grow almost anything almost everywhere.
Our mobile GrowPod's are fully self-contained and made to withstand even the harshest of climates.
Manufactured in Africa for the African market. These units are manufactured locally allowing rapid deployment.
Industry leading environmental control can be maintained in each GrowerPod through the use of top spec HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning) and HEPA (high efficiency particulate absorbing) air filters
GrowerPods require the proper environmental conditions for optimal plant growth and health.
Crops can be lost if the mixture of temperature, humidity, CO2 and light are incorrect.
The smart wireless sensors help growers oversee and maintain the proper mix of atmospheric conditions.
Individuals will then be alerted through an automated system should conditions fall outside of optimal ranges, allowing growers to maximize crop yields.
Local production for local consumption.
Customizable crop-specific vertical production.
Artificial horticultural crop-specific lighting.
Grow almost anything, almost anywhere!
These are our most advanced systems, with multi zone temperature and humidity monitoring, double redundant environmental controls, customisable light spectrums, full HEPA air filters and remote out of parameter alarm systems.
Even with all the high end specifications, our research and development GrowerPods represent a massive saving in cost when compared to imported scientific growth chambers which can cost in excess of R2,000,000.00 for the equivalent growth space.
WolfPack Modular Developments