Rhino Charge: Saving Rhinos in a Different Way

Our latest Mobile Bar for WolfPack East Africa recently saw one of its first large events in support of Rhino Charge. Rhino Charge is an NGO operating out of Kenya and which is committed to saving the dwindling Rhino population in the Aberdare National Park, as well as mitigating human-wildlife conflicts around the National Park.
The Rhino Charge is an annual off-road motorsport competition held in Kenya in which entrants are required to visit 13 points (guard posts) scattered over approximately 100 km² of rough terrain within a 10 hour period. Entrants are supplied with a 1:50,000 scale map of the venue, coordinates of the 13 guard posts and their start position the night before the event. Each competitor must plot the guard posts on the map and decide his/her route. The winner is the competitor who visits the most guard posts in the shortest distance (GPS measured).
Congratulations to Alan McKittrick from team McKittrick/Knight/Bovard /McKittrick/Ray/Smith for getting first place!